Comedian Owago Onyiro Welcomes A Healthy Baby Boy (Photos)

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owago Onyiro Niaje

Well guesss we have a new father in town and it had to be none other than Owango Onyiro. The comedian known for his witty and adult humour welcomed a baby boy few days ago and as expected he had to share the good new with his fans.
Though his spouse remains unknown, it is official that Owago is a married man with two lovely baby boys.
Through his social media handle the comedian introduced his family and the new born by saying,
Am happy to introduce my family to my loyal fans…….we got a bouncing baby boy on Tuesday night I am whom I am today because of your support Rule number one “Respect the mother of your child” Rule number two “Let them advice you but not decide for you” Last rule “Be yourself”
Sorry to disappoint all those who were eyeing the comedian but below is a photo of his wife and the new baby.