Wendy Williams speaks on Ciara & Future drama, says Future should have been a 'drive by'

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During Hot Topics on her show yesterday, Wendy thrashed Ciara for suing her baby daddy Future for $15m, claiming that's the amount she would have made if he hadn't slandered her on social media.
"Here's my thing CiCi and you know I love you. Future is not the reason that your music hasn't sold. And Future was also not the reason you got that lucrative contract for a moment with Roberto Cavalli. You did that girl. You are so talented.
"You are his 4th baby's mother with four children. When you met him and he only had three baby's mothers and three children, that should have been a drive by not a stay with"
But here's where the calamity comes in. We are talking about Ciara today on Hot Topics and tomorrow I go to an event where Ciara is performing and I don't have my 200 squad for back up."
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